In just a few clicks, we’ll be able to provide you with a comparative analysis of the telecom services from your current provider versus what IP4B can offer.
You’ll discover attractive savings, or better services! We’ll guide you through the process to help you find the optimal solution for you. Please fill out all the fields in the first section of the form. For the technical part, simply attach a copy of your telecom monthly bill (telephony and internet). This will result in a comparative analysis that is truly representative of your situation.
Should you for whatever reason not have access to your bills, please fill out the second part of the form. We will proceed with the analysis as soon as we receive your information and email it thereafter. It’s that simple! If you’d rather speak to one of our advisors by phone, call us at 514 444-4742 ext. 3500.
Important: The overall comparative analysis takes into account your current services, the information you provide us, and may vary based on certain installation conditions. It does however provide a very good idea of how much you can save each month for the same services you have now.
Please fill out every fields containing a star (*).