A year ends, and a new era begins

For many of us, 2022 ends with the light at the end of the tunnel, maybe altogether the end regarding containment, social distancing, and health measures. Of course, we must learn to live with a new health reality. This period that is ending will have demonstrated our ability to adapt, our resilience, and the tremendous mutual aid we have shown to those around us.
In the business world, we have demonstrated that telework is much more than a passing fad and that it is indeed the new way to work, collaborate and achieve unparalleled productivity levels. Indeed, Canadian companies are embracing a cultural shift to meet the needs of a mobile workforce; the days when business meetings required travel and time away from home are all but gone.
With this in mind, we launched AGILITI4B with Webex in March. Cisco’s new IP telephony and unified communications solution reinvents the collaboration experience, offering messaging, meetings, voice and video calling, and digital whiteboarding in the cloud. While you may think we’re biased, believe us, we’re convinced that the Webex solution compares favorably to Microsoft Teams in many ways.
Last July, IP4B began a new chapter in its rich history by fully embracing telecommuting. That’s why IP4B chose its new location in this perspective, smaller and better adapted to the new reality. This new chapter, this transformation of our business model, would not have been possible without the availability of powerful tools like Webex by Cisco.
In November, we announced the widespread availability of the uSpace management portal. This express portal allows users to change various settings in their IP telephony account and view the calls received and made. In addition, it offers playback of recorded calls.
Also, following the 2021 acquisition of Communications Group (CDS), a specialist in telecommunications and automation solutions for senior living facilities, we created the CARE4B solution, a custom-designed communications software platform to help senior living facilities benefit from a set of functionalities to address its management challenges: increase productivity, reduce operating costs, address the challenges of labor shortages, and improve the resident experience.
All things considered, 2022 is a year ending with a bang for us, of course, but also for our current and future customers. It is also the beginning of a new era where IP4B’s solutions deliver significant productivity gains.
On a more personal note, I would like to take this opportunity to wish you a wonderful holiday season on behalf of the entire IP4B team. Enjoy your loved ones and your families because, as we know, that is the most important thing.
Steve Foisy